Karin Ammerlaan, Ph.D
personal branding | storytelling
consulting | coaching |masterclasses | talks
You are your brand:
get seen, get heard & get paid
Whether you are an entrepreneur, artist, student, academic, or working professional: everybody has a personal brand, however: not everyone is aware of this. It is up to you to make your brand work for you: a powerful personal brand makes you stand out.
Personal branding:
what & why?
Personal branding revolves around the art of “managing your name”: it is an ongoing process and strategy that starts with intention and flows on value. But let there be no misunderstanding: personal branding is in essence not about you, but how You can make Others others feel: do they feel seen, heard and empowered?
Personal branding is relatively ‘new’; and first described by Tom Peters in his article ‘The brand called you‘. The phenomenon really took its turn with the rise of the digital age: as an individual, you can potentially connect and be seen by the whole world. With just a few clicks we are our own TV-host, singer, news reporter, a kitchen chef, a film director or an expert.
Here’s why personal branding can work for you:
self worth-value-networth
Personal branding is about value: seeing your own value, adding value to the lives of others and receiving that value back: your ‘net worth’. According to dr. Waller, a strong personal brand can increase earnings with 10-25%. (T. Waller, Personal brand management, Springer 2020).
Get seen, known, & trusted
Building a strong personal brand not only increases visibility, but when done in the right way, it increases the impact, online and offline.
A brand that is built on YOU, is adapting to whatever activities, skills, and adventures you will undertake, whether this is writing a a book, starting as an entrepreneur, or switching careers: your personal brand is your ‘glue’. Great examples of multi-passionate personal brands are Gary Vaynerchuk wines, media, motivator & coach), Dwayne ‘the Rock’ Johnson (actor, businessman) and Oprah (TV-host, actress, writer, influencer)
my personal branding philosophy
I believe in the power of trinity: heart- mind-magic. My personal branding philosoulphy embraces three ‘pillars’: from the heart, assisted by the mind and research based ‘theory & best practices’, driven by the mystic magic of Life. Strong personal brands know how to master these three pillars.
The secret to a strong personal brand is hidden in You & the authenticity of adding value by being you. It is about energy, in the end: how you make people feel. So put your heart into it!
Magic driven
Can you name one thing that is a container for the magic and mystery of life? We, humans are containers, holding and experiencing Life, as it flows through us. The one thing we are born with – aside from our unique magic – is that we are born storytellers. Stories can move us in our being. A powerful personal brand is an ongoing story-telling process. So do Show AND Tell:)
Research- driven
Although it is a relatively new discipline, interesting and research based publications on personal branding have been written. I’m using these insights, tools and strategies to lift your brand to the next level. And also on a personal note: researching YOU is of fundamental importance to ‘create’ your brand.
About Karin
My career path is quite ‘unorthodox’, coming from an academic background with a Ph.D in law. After years of working in consultancy and research, I decided it was time for a dream: writing a children’s book and helping others, in this case students who experienced a severe ‘thesis-dip’.
As a former consulting lawyer and researcher, I’ve interviewed hundreds of people, from all walks of life. Interviews always ended up – after the offical part was done:) – talking about their drives, their why. Curiosity is my middle name: my passion & spark lies with humans and their stories: what makes you tick? And are you ready to show yourself & your gifts to the world, in order to help others grow, in whatever way this may be?
I believe that it is the most beautiful thing in the world, to be able to inspire, move & empower other people’s lives with your passion.
It is my passion to help you build a powerful personal brand that is built on kindness, value, and expertise. Personal branding is the answer to the question “why should they pick you?”
- storytelling - 88%
- Research - 66%
- Mentoring
“Dear Karin, you have helped me tremendously to clarify & structure my story, find my gold in the Story of my Life. Thanks to your help, I was able to label my offers and products and also dive in the WHY of what I’m doing.
And for that, I am super grateful. It is such a pleasure to work with you, in the first place because you are super sweet, I love your humor, and how you can get to the essence and core: this is truly a gift of yours.
And with regard to your creative visuals: I am mesmireized by them. Superhappy we can work together like this. Thank you for being You, for your talent, your fantstic sense of humor and your wonderful guidance. Qua creaties ben je ook fantastisch, je hebt ook al een aantal dingen voor me gecreeërd; mesmerized bij wat ik van je krijg en ik ben superblij dat we op deze manier kunnen samenwerken. Dankjewel voor jouw zijn, “dankjewel voor jouw talent, dankjewel voor jouw fantastische humor en jouw fantastische begeleiding.”
Karin is such a wonderful human! She is that person who makes you feel like All of You is welcome, and she guides you with so much humor and joy, encouraging you from the sideline. She is Your Cheer-leader!
She has put her heart and soul into her work and you can Feel this: she creates beautiful ‘tools &assignments’ which brought me a lot of insight into who I am, what my story is and about connecteing the dots.
When I first met Karin, I instantly knew we would be working together, but I didnt know what exactly; either way, the magic was already in the air!:)
When I decided to launch GAIA-JI, I wanted something visual, a clip: like a ‘birth-announcement’, so I called Karin. That visual ‘experience’ became a soul-branding journey, ecause I got all fired up by the thought of us working together!
Our personal branding sessions were like a party: nothing was ‘mandatory’; we experienced joy, and it felt like going on an adventure in my own story. These sessions contributed to a spot on transltion of my energy and my message.
Karin is a true professional, an easy teamplayer, and she is – to me – the embodiment of joy & magic – that is not just some fnacy marketing story- she Really Is like this.
Shall we share a story?
Great to connect on Linkedin or Instagram! Ofcourse you can alway ssend me an email: karin@karinammerlaan.com